Lunch As An Appetizer

Okay! So I had my power smoothie and now what? I am feeling full, yet energized. It is time to get more work done. My afternoon is busy getting things done. I keep hydrated with plenty of ice water. I might grab a peice of fresh fruit, if I feel the need. My next break, fast approaches. This time it’s my coffee break. I enjoy sipping on a cup, as I catch up on the day with my husband and relax. We discuss our dinner plans. But first and foremost, what will be our appetizer? I start to wind down for the day, as the sun starts to set. Light the fire, put on the pot of fresh soup. I think it is essential to eat soup before any meal. Firstly, the broth is extremely nourishing and secondly, the soup fills you up, so you can reduce the ammount of the main course, which demands high quality and low quantity. Fresh soups are easily made from the leftovers of the meat bones and vegetables from the dinner before. So, in a sense, lunch is served as an appetizer. Let the feast begin!

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